Transtech Attends Monterey Park Library Foundation Gala


At Transtech we admire Nonprofit organizations that help provide readily available resources to the community. The Monterey Park Library Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports the Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library whose purpose is to offer quality books, magazines, newspapers and other materials to enjoy. On Thursday June 1,2017 we were proud to be part of the gala affair that honored the outstanding dedication and generosity toward the library efforts. The gala featured an elegant dinner, music, dancing, and exciting prizes. It was a time to honor the Monterey Park Library Foundation as it continues to raise funds to supplement the library’s budget.

The Foundation raised more than $600,000 for the expanded and renovated library which opened September 9, 2006. Over the last two years proceeds from the Foundation are being used to purchase books, magazines, DVDs, e-books and other library materials for the collection. In addition, the Foundation raised funds for the mural over the west entrance of the library.